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Basic Bicycle Maintenance

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In my opinion, a real cyclist is a blend of both athlete and mechanic; one who knows how to push their body forward, as well as taking care of the bike. Your bicycle is a vehicle, and repairs are often necessary. To be autonomous, cyclists need at least an understanding of essential bicycle maintenance so that they can keep moving forward. Here are some of the basic principles to keep in mind:

My Recommended Basic Bicycle Maintenance Items

Replace The Bicycle Chain on Time

Basic Bicycle Maintenance

It is wise to replace the bicycle chain every 1000 miles or every 3 months if you commute a lot. New bicycle chains are not that expensive, and by doing that you can save the need to replace other – more expensive parts and more importantly, avoid ending up with a busted chain in the middle of a ride.

Care for your Chains

Basic Bicycle Maintenance

Cyclists need to maintain a clean and lubricated bicycle chain in order to ensure a smooth ride. Dirty or dry chains can slow you down. You’re best off using a lightweight motor oil to keep your chain greased and moving smoothly.

There’s a common miss-conception about using WD-40 in the chains, some people say it’s not a lubricant and some say it can be used, the truth is that, “not being a lubricant” is a myth, so if it’s all you have, you can be confident in using it to lubricate your chain, in case you don’t have any other lubricant oil or grease.

Check Your Brake Pads Periodically

Basic Bicycle Maintenance

Cyclists who don’t maintain their brake pads properly often find themselves forking out large sums of cash every year to replace their pads. Bicycle brake pads are the rubber clamps that press against the rim of your wheel to slow down or come to a complete stop. Having your brake pads frequently inspected is one of the best ways to avoid problems on the road.

Make sure there’s no debris or any kind of foreign objects lodged within your brake pads, and also make sure they are properly aligned, clasping the rim of your wheel and not the tire itself. To extend the lifespan of your brake pads, give them a good cleaning after every ride. Use a damp cotton bud to pry out any foreign objects lodged in the grooves and give the pads a good spritz with some bike cleaner to remove any residual grease.

Clean Your Disk Rotors Periodically

Basic Bicycle Maintenance

Disk rotors should be kept without any contamination whatsoever, doesn’t matter if you ride trails or commute in the city, they will most likely get contaminated. Once a week you should clean them with a dry clean rag and isopropyl alcohol, DO NOT spin the wheel and push the rag onto the rotor, it is VERY dangerous. Simply dampen the rag with alcohol and clean the rotor in circular motions, not in straight lines. It is advisable to remove the wheels while doing this. To improve braking performance, treat your rims the same way you treat your disk rotors.

Make Sure Everything is Tight

Basic Bicycle Maintenance

Before and after every ride make sure the bolts of the brakes, pedals, and stem are tight, Make sure the quick releases of the hubs are properly tightened. Check the bike for squeaking noises and make sure everything is set and properly adjusted.

Check for Leaks

Basic Bicycle Maintenance

If you are running hydraulic brakes, hydraulic suspension forks or hydraulic rear shock, you should check before every single ride if there is any loss of fluid. Check the joints for moisture and make sure they aren’t leaking, both the brakes and the suspension. If that’s the case, then take it immediately to a bike shop before riding.

Check the Air Pressure of the Tires

Basic Bicycle Maintenance

While you’re inspecting your brake pads, also check the air pressure on your tires. This is a quick and easy task that can go a long way in preventing getting a flat tire while out on a long ride. Firm tires allow for smooth, repair-free rides.

Bicycle tires with the proper air pressure will give you longer tire life, easier pedaling, lower chances of having a flat tire, and even increased rim protection and durability. If you are looking for more complete information about bicycle air gauges you are invited to visit this excellent website about bicycle pumps.

Store Your Bike in a Dry and Clean Shed

Basic Bicycle Maintenance

Some novice cyclists are leaving their bikes to rust in heavy rain or to freeze all winter. Store your bike in a dry, insulated area where it will be safe. You are invited to visit my page about bicycle storage.

Lubricate The Moving Parts

Basic Bicycle Maintenance

In my view keeping your bike clean and lubricated, especially when it comes to the moving parts such as the chain and gear is the real and most important basic bicycle maintenance task.

Be careful, however, not to over-lubricate your bike – just add enough oil to keep things moving at optimal efficiency. Every part of the bike should move with little effort.

Use Quality Tools

Basic Bicycle Maintenance

Make sure you carry all the required tools with you as you ride. Here’s more information about bicycle repair kit. Remember to always carry an old chain of about 10 slots or so in length, you can’t imagine how many times that has saved my riding day.

Where to Buy Basic Bicycle Maintenance Tools?

If you are interested in buying basic bicycle maintenance tools you are invited to visit these trusted online stores:

Basic Bicycle Maintenance
Basic Bicycle Maintenance
Basic Bicycle Maintenance
Basic Bicycle Maintenance

Last Word About Basic Bicycle Maintenance

These are just some of the most helpful tips that I can give you when it comes to maintaining the proper functioning of your bicycle.

Basic bicycle maintenance is easy to do and should not give you many problems. As a last piece of advice, you should follow this bicycle repair manual and do some basic bicycle maintenance and repair every other day to keep your bicycle in good condition.

For more information about basic bicycle maintenance, visit your local bike shop for a consultation or invest in a manual that will guide you through basic bicycle maintenance and simple repairs.

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