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The result of not following bicycle safety rules
Important Bicycle Safety Tips to Remember
Use these bicycle safety tips for a safe, happy ride:
- Wear the best bicycle helmet. Honestly, this must be stressed more, as this is #1 on any list of bicycle safety tips.
- Pay attention to bicycle sizing. A bike that is too big or too small for you can cause trouble. Adjust the saddle and handlebars to fit you.
- Follow this bicycle repair manual. Bicycle gears, brakes and other parts should always be in tune.
- Check bicycle tires, wheels and handlebars before you head out to make sure everything is tight and working well.
- Wear cycling clothes that make you easily visible. Avoid black, grey, and other dark-colored clothes, and wear reflectors if riding in the dark.
- Tuck your pant legs into your bicycling socks or wear a strap if your bicycling shorts are baggy. Nothing is worse than getting your clothes destroyed while toppling off your bike.
- Wear bike riding shoes that grip your bicycle pedals to avoid slipping. Grippe gloves are also great!
- Avoid wearing headphones or talking on your phone while cycling. These actions prevent you from hearing traffic and distract your attention from the road.
- Keep safe from other cyclists and vehicles. You can use bike paths or lanes where available.
- Follow the rules of cycling! Could you read the information about the road rules?
- Always be aware of what’s happening around you and be ready to stop at any time. Also, keep an eye on the road ahead to prepare for road obstacles and slippery conditions.
Be aware of wet leaves, storm grates, gravel or rocks, curbs, and other obstacles
Did you know...?
Did you know that cycling is statistically safer than driving?
That's because good cyclists take safety seriously. They wear proper safety equipment, follow local laws and regulations, and stay focused and alert at all times. It would be best if you did the same. Otherwise, you might fall into the very tiny percentage of cyclists who flout safety guidelines and end up paying the price for their carelessness.
Check Out These Bicycle Safety Tips
Bicycle Safety Checklist
Bicycle Safety Checklist - Safety is very important when riding on your bike. Here's a short guide to making a bicycle safety checklist.
Bicycle Insurance - Feeling uneasy because your bicycle is out there unprotected? Having bicycle insurance will surely calm your nerves.
Rules of Cycling - You should always be aware of your local biking rules to prevent accidents and confrontations. An informed cyclist makes it safer for everyone on the road
Bicycle Safety for Kids - Bicycle safety for kids is the primary responsibility of the adult whenever he teaches bike riding to kids.
Mountain Biking Accidents - Unfortunately mountain biking accidents are quite common. Find out what causes many bicycle accidents and how to prevent them.
Bicycle Helmet Laws - Wherever you're cycling, you'll want to make sure you follow the bicycle helmet laws. For instance, in some states, wearing a helmet is legally mandatory.
Bicycle Safety Equipment
Bicycle Safety Equipment - Ride along urban or rural roads feeling safe and confident with the proper bicycle safety equipment. This article encompasses a few safety items to keep with you.
Bicycle Safety Flags - Why does a brand new kid's bicycle always come with bicycle safety flags? The first time that my mom and dad bought me a bicycle, I thought to myself that it looked a bit awkward with two safety flags attached to either side of the rear wheel
Bicycle Safety Lights - Bicycle safety lights are used to help keep a bicycle visible at night or in poor weather. They can also be used to increase the visibility of the rider. Read more...
Outdoor First Aid Kits - Cycling first aid kits should be both light and compact. It should cover only the basics to keep it light - medical aids that will help you get back home or to your car or even keep you from aborting the ride.
Where to Buy Bicycle Safety Equipment Online?
If you are interested in buying bicycle safety equipment online, you are invited to take a look at these trusted online stores:
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Message From Jeanne Dilly (jeanne.dilly@gmail.com )
Why has no bicycle brand ever developed a bicycle that has “signals” that can be seen from both the front and rear. I have been promoting “wearable tech” that could incorporate turning signals, breaking, etc to much improve the safety, especially for urban bicycle riders. However, it seems the more logical solution would be for the bicycle itself to have those safety features.