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A major group of people interested in bicycle safety for kids are parents who want their kids to learn how to ride a bicycle, but in the safest way possible.
When I was a kid, we had open grounds where we safely rode our bikes, but since open areas are declining and roads are being built, cycling safety is a primary concern of today’s parents. Bike safety for kids is number one on their to-do list before their children take off on the streets.
How to Improve Bicycle Safety for Children?
Child bicycle safety can be divided into two categories.
- What the child can wear or what he can carry to keep himself safe.
- Lessons you can teach him before he climbs onto a bicycle.
Did you know...?
Did you know that the most common mistake among child cyclists is their foot positioning while pedaling?
Many young children find pedaling using the balls of their feet uncomfortable, although this is the correct cycling technique and will make cycling easier for them in the long run. Encourage them to practice this technique so it becomes natural to them and correct them whenever they place their heels or foot arches on the pedal spindles.
Suggested Safety Equipment
There is a plethora of cycling equipment in the market today that shouts "bicycle safety for children." This equipment is made to protect kids from getting hurt or to prevent them from being in a harmful situation in the first place. Here is a list of equipment commonly used to ensure a safe bicycle session.
Helmet - It will surely not be able to prevent accidents, but it will make sure that head injuries are kept to a minimum.
Cycling gloves - Gloves will prevent one of the most common injuries during bicycle accidents - palm injuries. When kids fall, they catch themselves using their hands.
Bike Riding Safety Vest - You can also let your kid wear a reflective safety vest to enhance bike safety for kids. They usually come in yellow or orange, and can even have LED lights, like this < / a>.
Training wheels - These will help the child get a good feel for the bicycle and establish his momentum when the training wheels are taken off later.
Read more about bicycle safety equipment.
Avoiding Accidents
When it comes to avoiding accidents, the lessons taught by adults are as important as any bicycle safety equipment. These lessons are meant to build ground rules and safety measures for children.
- No playing in the road.
- Do not ride your bike on a busy street.
- If you need to cross a street, look both ways and ensure it is safe to cross.
- Use your common sense. If a friend of yours is doing something unintelligent, and you think you might get hurt if you copy the action, then don't do it.
- Have perfect control of the bicycle. That means holding both handlebars.
- Place bicycle reflectors on your bike or wear something bright. This applies to both nighttime and daytime riding.
- Always wear a good bicycle helmet and bicycling gloves as these increase safety and wearing a helmet is the law in some states.
- Do not stray too far away from your companions.
- Abide by traffic laws and learn to read road signs.
Where to Buy Bicycle Safety Equipment?
If you want bicycle safety accessories like first aid kits, helmets, gloves, and cycling sunglasses, you can buy them online. Take a look:
These and other bicycle safety tips are sure to maintain bicycle safety for kids. Whatever equipment we use, it is always better to be mentally prepared for anything. It is thus essential to teach road safety to your kids.

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