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Books about cycling training program Online
When I entered my first semi-long bicycle competition I thought to myself that I could just skip the bicycle training phase. It seemed easy and fun enough to just hop on my mountain bike and pedal away to victory. Well, I was wrong. Bicycle competitions are as serious as any other competitions if you are in them to win. Here lies the problem – I had never trained for any competition.
Since I enjoy riding my mountain bike on forest trails, I had the strength that comes with riding on rough terrain, but I did not have the proper endurance to withstand long bicycling tours that stretched for more than a couple of miles. So I did what any willing student does, I submitted myself to a cycling training program.
Get the Right Type of Bike
First of all, I had to think about the type of bike I was going to use. I already had mountain bikes but I needed something that was built for speed and distance. For this, I needed a road bike or a hybrid. I decided to move to road-racing bicycles. I had to buy one and get it tuned up so that I would be training with a conditioned bike that was fit for the competition.
Tip: Even the best training program won't help if you have poor eating habits.
When it comes to sports, nutrition is at least as important as your physical training.
Before you begin your daily workout, make sure you eat plenty of carbohydrates to give your body energy.
After your workout, consume healthy whole-grain carbohydrates and proteins to help your body recover. You'll see better results if you stick to a good nutrition plan.
Cycling Training Program - The Four Phases
After I got my bike ready, I had to get myself ready. This is where a cycling training program comes in. I asked around and got together with some experienced cyclists who had already been in previous competitions. They said that a cycling training program comprised three aspects. These aspects are conditioning (or endurance), strength training and stretching. These three aspects are then infused into each of the four phases of any cycling training program.
Cycling Training Program Phase 1 - Cardiovascular Conditioning
This phase deals with cardiovascular conditioning. Beginners usually spend around 6 weeks on this phase, but one may decrease the duration of the trainee's fit. This phase builds cardiovascular and respiratory strength and capacity. This phase of the program requires the trainee to ride a stationary or regular bike once weekly, at a moderate pace lasting for twenty to forty minutes.
The trainee should repeat this cardiovascular and respiratory conditioning at least twice or thrice weekly, with a different exercise that does not strain the knee. The strength-training aspect of this phase will usually require the trainee to work the legs, mid-torso, back, and chest at least twice a week.
The workout should increase in both sets and repetitions as the days go by. This will make it possible for a biker to hold a biking position for extended periods. The next aspect is stretching, which increases and lengthens the range of motion of the body, which ultimately decreases the likelihood of cycling injuries.
Cycling Training Program Phase 2 - Increase the Frequency
This phase deals with preparing the body for the exact motions and positions that it will need to endure the bike competition.
The duration, again, is dependent on the experience of the biker. But for beginning cyclists, another 6 weeks is needed.
During the cardiovascular aspect of phase 1, the cyclists complete bike workouts once weekly. Now they should increase the frequency to around twice or thrice weekly.
The bike rides should also increase in duration. Continue to do sessions for strength training at least twice weekly, and focus on muscles that bikers use most - legs, lower back, triceps, trapezius, and abdominal muscles. Stretching will be the same.
Cycling Training Program Phase 3 - Increase the Distance of Your Aerobic Rides
When you reach this phase of your cycling training program, it is safe to assume that you are now in great shape. The goal of this phase is to build up to the demands of the upcoming cycling competition. Training would still include aerobic exercise on a bike at least three to five times per week. Distance is the key and you should increase the distance of your aerobic rides more and more each week. Workout your muscles and stretch them as you would in Phase 2.
Cycling Training Program Phase 4 - Slowdown
This is the last phase of your cycling training program. This deals with the week before the big cycling event. The only tip here is to decrease the amount of time that you train and to increase the amount of time that you rest. Now that you are ready for that big bicycle riding event, relax and enjoy it as much as you can. Remember that you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it.
More Books About Cycling Training
More information about bicycle training programs can be found in several informative books. Take a look at these selected books:
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Last Word About Cycling Training Program
If you are interested to read more professional information about bicycle training, including bicycle training programs, you are invited to visit this link.

to the sound of a gun being cocked.".
Amy Webster

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