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Bicycle Indoor Training Stands
Roller Trainer
Roller Trainer
Roller Tacx Galaxia
CycleOps Aluminum Rollers
Elite Parabolic Roller Trainer

Find a bicycle roller trainer Online

Bicycle roller trainers are unique: they do not hold the bike in some way, and their structure is not similar to any other “regular” bicycle training stand.

What Are Roller Trainers?

A typical roller trainer is a horizontal metal frame that holds three rollers: while spinning, the bicycle rear wheel is in contact with the rear two rollers, and they supply the required resistance. The front roller is supporting the front wheel. On some roller stands, there is no front roller: Instead, there is a stand that supports the front fork (after the front wheel has been removed).

The Cycling Experience

As with all other bicycle indoor training stands, you are using your regular bike: you are sitting on your selected saddle and holding your comfortable handlebars. With bicycles, rollers stand the feeling is even more similar to riding regular bikes. As a result of how the bike is positioned on the roller, the cyclist can expect a very realistic cycling experience.

Since your bicycle is unsupported by a stand (unlike any other bicycle training stands), your full cycling skills are required to keep your bicycle balanced. Just bear in mind that there is a small learning curve: it might take some time to get to use the roller trainer, and you might feel unsafe. This feeling will soon turn out to be an exciting and enjoyable experience!

Tip: Use your roller trainer with caution!

Roller Trainer

Using a roller trainer is a great way to practice spinning in the comfort of your home, but still, it is not without risk: If you don't keep up a steady rhythm and maintain stability on your roller trainer, you will fall off your bike.

The plus point is, with a roller indoor trainer you can place some crash mats or exercise mats next to the trainer so you won't hurt yourself if you take a tumble!

Bicycle Roller Trainer Pros and Cons


  • Good for balance and techniques - Roller trainers are best for practicing cycling balance and pedaling and riding techniques.
  • Free movement - Unlike any other bicycle indoor training stands your bicycle is free to move, resulting more realistic feeling and less stress on the bike.
  • Fast and easy setup - No need to connect your bike to a stand.
  • Variable resistance - Some models have variable resistance, to get an even more realistic cycling experience.
  • Good for endurance - As in most cases the resistance is fixed, the roller trainer is best for endurance, long rides.


  • Some safety issues - At first there is a risk that you will lose your balance, and crash off the roller.
  • Less "multi-tasking" - As the bicycle roller trainer requires more concentration in comparison with other bicycle indoor training stands it leaves less room for other tasks.
  • Limited resistance - Most roller trainers have only limited or no resistance. Your training is limited.
  • High noise levels - Due to their structure the roller trainers are more noisy than the other ordinary bicycle indoor training stands.

What to Look For in Roller Trainers

When buying a bicycle roller trainer I would recommend looking for the following features

  • Type of roller drum - Quality drums (such as PVC roller drums) will give you a smoother ride and will last more.
  • The size of the drums - Different drums sizes will give you different cycling feeling.
  • Is it foldable? - For an easy storage and transportation, make sure the trainer is foldable.
  • The frame - Make sure the frame is made of quality materials.
  • Roller width - Make sure the trainer is wide.
  • Foot pads - Ensure there are quality foot pads so that the roller will not slide on the floor.
  • Adjustable roller drums - To ensure that the trainer can accommodate a variety of wheel sizes.
  • Resistance - Some hi-end trainers have several resistance levels.
  • Warranty Look for a lifetime warranty.

Recommended Roller Trainers

CycleOps Rollers

Roller Trainer
I like that I can store this away literally anywhere. It folds up neatly and lays flat making it ideal for small spaces. The drum rollers are surprisingly quiet and provide a smooth ride. It is limited, however, by only having five different levels of resistance so your workout may become a little stagnant. It is well-built, made from cast aluminum so it won't warp or deteriorate adding lots of life to the trainer.

Elite Parabolic Indoor Roller Bicycle Trainer

Roller Trainer
The Elite Parabolic has one of the better true “road” feels of most of the other roller trainers. The specially designed rollers grip the tires and provide a realistic feel to your training session. This type of trainer also helps to build and tone core muscles that are often overlooked during regular indoor training sessions. I also like the easy storage and set-up options. It stores anywhere and sets up in a flash making it great for travelling!

Kreitler Challenger Roller Set

Roller Trainer
One of the best indoor rollers on the market. It is super durable and made from aluminum so it is resistant to corrosion. I love that it comes in a variety of roller sizes so that I can control the resistance for a steady-stream workout. The design also allows it to be stored easily and it takes up very little room when in use. It is a very smooth ride also. I saw that I could also add a fan for greater resistance or to cool down.

Buying a Roller Trainer Online

If you are interested in buying roller trainer online you can buy it in one of these trusted online stores:

Roller Trainer
Roller Trainer

inside ride e-motion smart rollers, ultimate flex package (Used - 1100 USD)inside ride e-motion smart rollers, ultimate flex package
(Used - 1100 USD)
InsideRide E-Motion Rollers Ultimate flex (New other (see details) - 1000 USD)InsideRide E-Motion Rollers Ultimate flex
(New other (see details) - 1000 USD)
Cycling Trainer Home Exercise Training 6 Speed Magnetic Resistance Bike Rollers (New - 640.09 USD)Cycling Trainer Home Exercise Training 6 Speed Magnetic Resistance Bike Rollers
(New - 640.09 USD)
Elite Nero Smart Rollers (New other (see details) - 650 USD)Elite Nero Smart Rollers
(New other (see details) - 650 USD)


If you are looking for a bicycle trainer to improve your riding techniques and balance, then the roller bicycle trainer is just for you. If you are looking for a bicycle trainer for fitness, then you better take a look at some other types of bicycle indoor training stands.

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